Saturday, November 29, 2008

Mumbai - Resilience or Excuse to not Learn?

With the recent attacks in Mumbai, this has been a question that is on everybody's mind, and, it should be if it is not.

It is saddening to have seen how the terrorists troubled and terminated lives of harmless and innocent individuals, who were there at the unlucky location. None of them would have ever imagined that it would be the last day of their life, and far more worse, how it was going to end that day. Each one leading their life happily, each with their own ambitions, all that they had seen in life, all that they could have seen in life, if not for this unfortunate moment. They were not any different from any of us. In the end, a harmless, peace loving individual willing to live in harmony, at the wrong place at the wrong time.

It surpasses any sense, for an individual to be influenced enough to massacre lives of so many individuals and also their own. All this at what cost? What is it that they gained from this?

Though unfortunate, these acts, teach all of us a lesson each time, which we fail to understand or learn whatever so it may be.

Was it the first time that an terrorist act as this has occured. What did we learn from the Mumbai blasts earlier and the numerous that happened all over the rest of India. The question is to each and everyone of us and the answer would be different for each one of us, but needless to say a lesson for us all to learn.

Of all the exaustive live footages that the media was showing during the entire incident, too many disturbing things came to light.

The first lesson to be learnt is having a responsible Media.

How much sense does it require to understand or realise that all the footage that is been shown to the general masses were also possibly seen by the terrorists. The strategy and operations to counter the terrorists were shown live, needless to say that if possibly seen by the terrorists, they would easily make a counter plan to this rescue operation. Is a story more important than the lives of people who are trying to save all those innocent people? This lesson was learnt quite late and thankfully needed steps were taken. But then do we have a advisory committee or a regulatory body that takes care that such incidents dont happen in the first place, or it doesnt happen in the future?

We need smarter reporters. Whats the point in making a mockery of yourselves by asking idiotic questions like "how are you feeling" and more lamer questions to the wives and relatives of those who sacrificed themselves in this operation? Besides was that the time to even storm them with questions? Try to put yourselves into their shoes. If you really had to interview them that desperately, it would have been more dignified if you would have let this sad episode end and let them have some peace at this time of grief.
However, I appreciate all the reporters, who risked their lives out there to cover the entire episode. They are as big a heroes as the ones who were trying to save the people.

The second lesson to be learned is to have a more equipped security. It was saddening to see that the Terrorists were better equipped than the Law. We need to invest in equipping our Law to tackle and retaliate fiercelessly on these merciless creatures. Most countries have a provision of 1 bulletproof jackets per policeman. Any investment that helps us in making more alert and ready to handle situations like this need no justification. They are a need.

The third lesson to be learned is to change our attitudes of "digging a well when thirsty". The last time during mumbai blasts on local trains, I recollect that policemen were deployed at each and every railway station. However, I never saw a single policeman at any stations I noticed in the recent past. Mumbai's Resilience has been taken as an excuse to not take necessary measures AT ALL TIMES. Why do we undo our learnings so quickly. Were the places that needed security so desperately at one time, became unecessary for no reason so fast? There have been no changes in the trains to make them more safe. No barricades were made on adjacent sides of the railway lines at places that lacked them. Security cameras were installed at a handfull of places, when they should have placed them exaustively on ALL railway platforms and In train compartments. Does these investments sound illogical in a City that is the economic Hub of the nation, a most populous city, and the one that gets one of the most tax payments each year, and most importantly is so favoured target towards terrorist acts.

Even as this unfornate incident has now thankfully ended. Are there any developments or statements made on what are the steps that would be taken from now on to handle such situations better.

The fourth lesson to be learned, to stop being a hypocratic nation.
I observe that each one of us mourns these loss of lives by this creatures at every occasion. But then why does it take us ages to procecute these guys when they are caught alive.

There are so many captive terrorists that are still under trail since ages, when evidences against them are so very clear. Who is the law waiting for to punish them for what they have done? We need fast trail courts to that would actually be "fast" unlike the ones that are now claimed to be fast trail courts. Our lethargy to procecute these guys acts as a motivation to people that envy our lives and want to spread terror. It shows how much respect we have for the people that were lost during this episode.
It is also a pity that these so called "Human Rights" associations take the side of these creatures. The human rights are for humans, not for animals like these. Why does the media not question or know their reaction on this sad incident and question them on why they are supporting people like these.

The Fifth and the most Important lesson to learn is for us all.
We need to understand that everything that we do, somehow has an effect on how this nation is and will be.
Question your leaders on what have they done for your security. Increase your expectations and voice them insistively so that they are noticed.
How many of us use our right to vote. How many of us know or try to know who each and every candidate that stands on the poll is and what his ambitions and agenda are? It is our attitude of not expecting and the loss of hope that things will get better that has led us to this situations.
Our favorisms to candidates and our ingorance to learn more about all the people who stand a chance to be chosen is killing our nation.
Lets learn to vote! Lets learn to vote sensibly!

We also need to learn that we have enough enemies to our nation, lets not fight amongst us on issues of caste and creed. Lets be seen as a peace loving and a united nation, than a nation bound by internal boundaries on lands and hearts.
We all want a change and we all in our own little lives want to be happy. So lets make an effort. It is our nation and our home.

Lets not let these creatures mistake our resiliance with our excuses to never improve and change.
Lets Remember! Lets Unite! Lets Change!